AI conscious Humans, Human conscious AI

Well-rounded AI and Content Services

Past Events

31 July, 2024

AI is here to stay. Its potential is exciting, and its implications for society are profound. Most companies see the potential in AI integration but are unsure where to start. The hype around AI makes it difficult for businesses to see clearly and build a future-proof AI strategy to avoid falling behind.

This masterclass will guide you through what AI is and isn't, how it can enhance your business processes, and the steps to develop your AI product strategy, which is cost-efficient, safe, and ethical. It will also include tips for navigating the tsunami of AI development.

During this masterclass, we will talk about:

✅ Cutting through the AI Hype: Understand what AI is and what it isn't (no math/engineering background needed).
✅ How we can use AI to enhance business processes and as a product feature.
✅ How we can evaluate where and how AI could be useful in our business.
✅ Implementation considerations: Cost trade-offs, Privacy, Security, and Ethical Aspects of using and deploying AI.
✅ How we can stay ahead in the AI Tsunami: keeping up with and exploiting the latest AI developments.

6 July, 2024

A casual picnic to discuss the relationship between AI and creativity. Everyone is welcome who is interested in art, tech and anything in between.

Event Description


AI is here to stay.

Its potential is exciting, and its disruptive consequences for the future of our work and creativity are profound.
We have more questions than answers. I mostly hear two types of reactions:

  1. Excitement from developers about AI’s potential 

  2. Worry from creatives about its consequences to the creative industry.

The topic quickly leads to existential questions about our roles as humans.
I believe in two things:

  • AI is here to stay, and our society and relationship to work and creativity are about to change irreversibly.

  • We can do this transition way better! Both from the developers’ and from the creatives' side.

As someone dabbling in art and AI research & development as well, I believe we need to work on a more harmonious transition to the AI era. We need more AI-conscious Humans and Human-conscious AI.
This is what I am working on, both as an AI technician and as an artist.

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