Academic Publications

  • Transparent analysis of multi-modal embeddings (PhD Thesis)
    Anita L. Verő
    University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2022
    [Techical report]

  • Efficient Multi-Modal Embeddings from Structured Data
    Anita L. Verő and Ann Copestake
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02577, 2021
    [paper] [poster]

  • Deconstructing Multimodality: Visual Properties and Visual Context in Human Semantic Processing
    Christopher Davis, Luana Bulat, Anita L. Verő and Ekaterina Shutova
    Proceedings of *SEM2019 2019, Minneapolis, USA
    [paper] [bib]

  • Modelling Visual Properties and Visual Context in Multimodal Semantics
    Christopher Davis, Luana Bulat, Anita L. Verő and Ekaterina Shutova
    Workshop on Visually Grounded Interaction and Language, NIPS 2018, Montreal, Canada

  • Virtual Embodiment: A Scalable Long-Term Strategy for Artificial Intelligence Research
    Douwe Kiela, Luana Bulat, Anita L. Verő and Stephen Clark
    NIPS Workshop on Machine Intelligence (MAIN) 2016, Barcelona, Spain, 2016

  • Comparing Data Sources and Architectures for Deep Visual Representation Learning in Semantics
    Douwe Kiela, Anita L. Verő and Stephen Clark
    Proceedings of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Conference (EMNLP 2016), Austin, Texas, 2016
    [paper] [bib] [poster]

  • Columnar Machine: Fast estimation of structured sparse code
    András Lőrincz, Zoltán Á Milacski, Balázs Pintér, Anita L. Verő
    Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 2015

  • Maintain and Improve Mental Health by Smart Virtual Reality Serious Games
    András Sárkány, Zoltán Tősér, Anita L. Verő, András Lőrincz, Takumi Toyama, Daniel Sonntag.
    Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health, LNCS Spinger, 2015

  • Towards a Smart Wearable Tool to Enable People with SSPI to Communicate by Sentence Fragments
    Gyula Vörös, Anita L. Verő, Takumi Toyama, András Lőrincz, Balázs Pintér, Brigitta Miksztai-Réthey, Daniel Sonntag.
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health, LNCS Spinger, 2014

  • Mobile AAC Solutions using Gaze Tracking and Optical Character Recognition
    Gyula Vörös, Brigitta Miksztai-Réthey, Anita L. Verő, Takumi Toyama, Jason Orlosky, Daniel Sonntag, András Lőrincz.
    16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), 2014

  • Gaze Tracking and Language Model for Flexible Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Practical Scenarios
    Anita L. Verő, Brigitta Miksztai-Réthey, Gyula Vörös, Ádám Zsigmond, Balázs Pintér, Takumi Toyama, Jason Orlosky, Daniel Sonntag, András Lőrincz.
    16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), 2014