
2022 - Data Science Course at the Milestone Institute. I contributed to the IPython notebook implementations and to the lecture material on NLP.

2019-2022 - I did tutoring and mentoring privately and at Crimson Research.

Lent 2017 - I was a demostrator for the course Machine Learning and Real-world Data, A Part IA CST course at Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

2016/17 - I co‑supervised a Master's student, on his thesis project in multimodal semantics. He got a distinction and later a PhD in our group.


2017/18 - I was a Mentoring Officer and Representative in the Cambridge Computer Laboratory's Graduate Forum of Women@CL. Women@CL is an organisation to support women in computer science. It involves a mentoring system and provides representation of role models by organising talks and conferences.

2017 - I organised the Cambridge NLIP Seminars, which is a weekly seminar series on NLP and Machine Learning related topics.


PhD in Explainable AI